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Why choose us?

Professional experience and reputation of the management team

​In-depth knowledge of the Canadian agricultural sector, especially in relation to temporary foreign workers

​Corporate values of fairness, honesty and respect​

​Personalized and comprehensive approach to our service offering​

Extensive network of well-established communication channels with immigration-related consulates, authorities, institutions and organizations in British Columbia

We have the accreditation as a Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC) conferred by the College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants (CICC)
We are affiliated with the Canadian Association of Immigration Consultants (CAPIC)

Some of our services

We offer a wide variety of services to help you with your immigration needs and goals in Canada.

Trabajador temporal.png

As a temporary worker

Solicitante residencia.png

As an applicant for permanent residence


As a Canadian employer


"It is not true that people stop chasing their dreams because they get old, they get old because they stop chasing their dreams."

Gabriel García Márquez



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